[P10] M. Zaker, A. Nejati, and A. Lavaei, Data-Driven Safety Certificates of Infinite Networks with Unknown Models and Interconnection Topologies, submitted for publication, 2024.
[P9] O. Akbarzadeh, A. Nejati, and A. Lavaei, From Data to Control: A Formal Compositional Framework for Large-Scale Interconnected Networks, submitted for publication, 2024.
[P8] B. Samari, O. Akbarzadeh, M. Zaker, and A. Lavaei, From a Single Trajectory to Safety Controller Synthesis of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Polynomial Systems, submitted for publication, 2024.
[P7] O. Akbarzadeh, B. Samari, A. Nejati, and A. Lavaei, From Formal Methods to Data-Driven Safety Certificates of Unknown Large-Scale Networks, submitted for publication, 2024.
[P6] M. Zaker, O. Akbarzadeh, B. Samari, and A. Lavaei, Compositional Design of Safety Controllers for Large-scale Stochastic Hybrid Systems, submitted for publication, 2024.
[P5] B. Wooding, V. Horbanov, and A. Lavaei, PRoTECT: Parallelized Construction of Safety Barrier Certificates for Nonlinear Polynomial Systems, submitted for publication, 2024.
[P4] A. Lavaei and D. Angeli, From Dissipativity Property to Data-Driven GAS Certificate of Homogeneous Networks with Unknown Interconnection Topology, submitted for publication, 2024.
[P3] A. Aminzadeh, H. T. M. Kussaba, M. Schonger, A. Abdelrahman, A. Swikir, A. Lavaei, and S. Haddadin, Learning Stable and Barrier-Certified Systems for Robotic Tasks: A Compositional Approach, submitted for publication, 2024.
[P2] P. Sangeerth, A. Lavaei, and P. Jagtap, Towards Mitigating Sim2Real Gaps: A Formal Quantitative Approach, submitted for publication, 2024.
[P1] B. Wooding, A. Lavaei, and S. Soudjani, Formal Control of New England 39-Bus Test System: An Assume-Guarantee Approach, submitted for publication, 2023.
[B1] A. Lavaei and A. Abate, Formal Methods for Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems, Cambridge University Press, book proposal accepted, 2023.
Journal Papers
[J29] A. Lavaei and E. Frazzoli, Scalable Synthesis of Safety Barrier Certificates for Networks of Stochastic Switched Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 7294-7309, 2024.
[J28] D. Ajeleye, A. Lavaei, and M. Zamani, Data-Driven Controller Synthesis via Finite Abstractions with Formal Guarantees, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 3453-3458, 2023.
[J27] A. Lavaei, M. Perez, M. Kazemi, F. Somenzi, S. Soudjani, A. Trivedi, and M. Zamani, Compositional Reinforcement Learning for Discrete-Time Stochastic Control Systems, IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems (Special Section on Formal Verification and Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems), vol. 2, pp. 425-438, 2023.
[J26] A. Salamati, A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Data-Driven Verification and Synthesis of Stochastic Systems via Barrier Certificates, Automatica, vol. 159, 2024.
[J25] A. Lavaei and D. Angeli, Data-Driven Stability Certificate of Interconnected Homogeneous Networks via ISS Properties, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 2395-2400, 2023.
[J24] M. Anand, A. Lavaei, and M. Zamani, Compositional Synthesis of Control Barrier Certificates for Networks of Stochastic Systems against ω-Regular Specifications, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, vol. 51, 2024.
[J23] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and E. Frazzoli, A Compositional Dissipativity Approach for Data-Driven Safety Verification of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 7240-7253, 2023.
[J22] A. Nejati, A. Lavaei, P. Jagtap, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Formal Verification of Unknown Discrete- and Continuous-Time Systems: A Data-Driven Approach, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Special Issue on Learning for Control), vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 3011-3024, 2023.
[J21] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, E. Frazzoli, and M. Zamani, Constructing MDP Abstractions Using Data with Formal Guarantees, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 460-465, 2022.
[J20] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, A. Abate, and M. Zamani, Automated Verification and Synthesis of Stochastic Hybrid Systems: A Survey, Automatica, vol. 146, 2022.
[J19] A. Lavaei and E. Frazzoli, Data-Driven Synthesis of Symbolic Abstractions with Guaranteed Confidence, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 253-258, 2022.
[J18] A. Nejati, A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Estimation of Infinitesimal Generators for Stochastic Hybrid Systems via Sampling: A Formal Approach, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 223-228, 2022.
[J17] B. Zhong, A. Lavaei, M. Zamani, and M. Caccamo, Automata-based Controller Synthesis for Stochastic Systems: A Game Framework via Approximate Probabilistic Relations, Automatica, vol. 147, 2023. (Editors' Choice paper)
[J16] M. Anand*, A. Lavaei*, and M. Zamani, From Small-Gain Theory to Compositional Construction of Barrier Certificates for Large-Scale Stochastic Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 5638-5645, 2022.
[J15] A. Lavaei, L. Di Lillo, A. Censi, and E. Frazzoli, Formal Estimation of Collision Risks
for Autonomous Vehicles: A Compositional Data-Driven Approach, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 407-418, 2023.
[J14] N. Jahanshahi, A. Lavaei and M. Zamani, Compositional Construction of Safety Controllers
for Networks of Continuous-Space POMDPs, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 87-99, 2023.
[J13] A. Lavaei and M. Zamani, From Dissipativity Theory to Compositional Synthesis of Large-Scale Stochastic Switched Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 4422-4437, 2022.
[J12] B. Zhong, A. Lavaei, H. Cao, M. Zamani, and M. Caccamo, Safe-visor Architecture for Sandboxing (AI-based) Unverified Controllers in Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems (Special Issue on Security, Privacy and Safety of Cyber-Physical Systems), vol. 43, 2021.
[J11] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Compositional Abstraction-based Synthesis of General MDPs via Approximate Probabilistic Relations, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, vol. 39, 2021.
[J10] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Compositional Abstraction-based Synthesis for Networks of Stochastic Switched Systems, Automatica, vol. 114, 2020.
[J9] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Compositional (In)Finite Abstractions for Large-Scale Interconnected Stochastic Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 5280-5295, 2020.
[J8] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Compositional Abstraction of Large-Scale Stochastic Systems: A Relaxed Dissipativity Approach, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, vol. 36, 2020.
[J7] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Compositional Construction of Infinite Abstractions for Networks of Stochastic Control Systems, Automatica, vol. 107, pp. 125-137, 2019.
[J6] A. Lavaei, and M.A. Atashgah, Optimal 3D Trajectory Generation in Delivering Missions under Urban Constraints for a Flying Robot, Intelligent Service Robotics, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 241-256, 2017.
[J5] A. Kosari, H. Maghsoudi, and A. Lavaei, Path Generation for Flying Robots in Mountainous Regions, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 44-60, 2017.
[J4] M.A. Atashgah, H. Gazerpour, A. Lavaei, and Y. Zarei, An Active Time-optimal Control for Space Debris Deorbiting via Geomagnetic Field, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, vol. 128, pp. 343-360, 2017.
[J3] M.A. Atashgah, M.R. Torkamani, and A. Lavaei, Robust Positioning, Preliminary Orbit Determination, and Trajectory Prediction of Space Debris using In-Space Iterative-Bearing-Only Observations, The Journal of Navigation, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 789-809, 2017.
[J2] A. Lavaei, and M.A. Atashgah, Three-Dimensional Constrained Optimal Motion Planning for a Six-Degree-of-Freedom Quadrotor for Urban Traffic Purposes, Modares Mechanical Engineering, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 13-24, 2015.
[J1] A. Kosari, H. Maghsoudi, A. Lavaei, and R. Ahmadi, Optimal Online Trajectory Generation for a Flying Robot for Terrain Following Purposes using Neural Network, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 229, no. 6, pp. 1124-1141, 2014.
* Equally contributed
Book Chapters
[B3] B. Wooding and A. Lavaei, IMPaCT: Interval MDP Parallel Construction for Controller Synthesis of Large-Scale Stochastic Systems, International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 249-267, 2024.
[B2] A. Lavaei*, M. Khaled*, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, AMYTISS: PArallelized AutoMated Controller SYnthesis for Large-Scale STochastIc SystemS, 32nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12225, pp. 461-474, Springer, 2020. (acceptance rate: 27%)
[B1] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Approximate Probabilistic Relations for Compositional Synthesis of Stochastic Systems, Numerical Software Verification (NSV), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11652, pp. 101–109, Springer, 2019.
Conference Papers
[C38] O. Akbarzadeh, S. Soudjani, and A. Lavaei, Safety Barrier Certificates for Stochastic Control Systems with Wireless Communication Networks, 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2024), to appear, 2024.
[C37] M. Zaker, H. Blom, S., Soudjani, and A. Lavaei, Rare Collision Risk Estimation of Autonomous Vehicles with Multi-Agent Situation Awareness, 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2024), to appear, 2024.
[C36] O. Akbarzadeh, A. Nejati, and A. Lavaei, Data-Driven Safety Controller Synthesis for Unknown Systems with Wireless Communication Networks, 10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT 2024) – Special Session on Data-Driven Approach for Modelling, Control and Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems, pp. 2229–2234, 2024.
[C35] B. Samari, M. Della Rossa, A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and R. Jungers, Multiplicative Barrier Certificates for Probabilistic Safety of Markov Jump Systems, 8th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS 2024), vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 63-68, 2024. (Best Repeatability Prize Finalist)
[C34] A. Aminzadeh, A. Swikir, S. Haddadin, and A. Lavaei, Compositional Safety Verification of Infinite Networks: A Data-Driven Approach, 22nd European Control Conference (ECC 2024), pp. 545-551, 2024.
[C33] A. Aminzadeh and A. Lavaei, Compositional Synthesis of Safety Barrier Certificates for Infinite Networks, 22nd European Control Conference (ECC 2024), pp. 1234-1239, 2024.
[C32] O. Akbarzadeh and A. Lavaei, Safety Certificates of Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems with Wireless Communication Networks, 27th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2024), 2024.
[C31] B. Wooding and A. Lavaei, IMPaCT: A Parallelized Software Tool for IMDP Construction and Controller Synthesis with Convergence Guarantees, 27th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2024), 2024.
[C30] A. Lavaei, Abstraction-based Synthesis of Stochastic Hybrid Systems, 27th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2024), pp. 1-11, 2024.
[C29] A. Lavaei, MDP Abstractions from Data: Large-Scale Stochastic Networks, 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 6058-6063, 2023.
[C28] A. Lavaei, Symbolic Abstractions with Guarantees: A Data-Driven Divide-and-Conquer Strategy, 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 7994-7999, 2023.
[C27] A. Abate, H. Blom, N. Cauchi, J. Delicaris, S. Haesaert, B. van Huijgevoort, A. Lavaei, A. Remke, O. Schön, S. Schupp, F. Shmarov, S. Soudjani, L, Willemsen, and P. Zuliani, ARCH-COMP23 Category Report: Stochastic Models, 10th International Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH), EPiC Series in Computing, vol. 96, pp. 126-150, 2023.
[C26] B. Wooding, A. Lavaei, V. Vahidinasab, and S. Soudjani, Robust Simulation Functions with Disturbance Refinement, 21st European Control Conference (ECC), pp. 1-6, 2023.
[C25] A. Lavaei, P. Mohajerin Esfahani, and M. Zamani, Data-Driven Stability Verification of Homogeneous Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Dynamics, 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 7296-7301, 2022.
[C24] A. Abate, H. Blom, J. Delicaris, S. Haesaert, A. Hartmanns, B. van Huijgevoort, A. Lavaei, H. Ma, M. Niehage, A. Remke, O. Schön, S. Schupp, S. Soudjani, and L. Willemsen, ARCH-COMP22 Category Report: Stochastic Models, 9th International Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH), EPiC Series in Computing, vol. 90, pp. 113-141, 2022.
[C23] A. Lavaei and E. Frazzoli, Scalable Synthesis of Finite MDPs for Large-Scale Stochastic Switching Systems, 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 7510-7515, 2022.
[C22] A. Lavaei and E. Frazzoli, Compositional Controller Synthesis for Interconnected Stochastic Systems with Markovian Switching, American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 4838-4843, 2022.
[C21] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and E. Frazzoli, Safety Barrier Certificates for Stochastic Hybrid Systems, American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 880-885, 2022.
[C20] A. Lavaei, L. Di Lillo, M. Atzei, A. Censi, and E. Frazzoli, Data-Driven Estimation of
Collision Risks for Autonomous Vehicles with Formal Guarantees, 25th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2022. (Best Demo/Poster Award)
[C19] B. Zhong, A. Lavaei, M. Zamani, and M. Caccamo, Controller Synthesis for Nonlinear
Stochastic Games via Approximate Probabilistic Relations, 25th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2022.
[C18] A. Abate, H. Blom, M. Bouissou, N. Cauchi, H. Chraibi, J. Delicaris, S. Haesaert, A. Hartmanns, M. Khaled, A. Lavaei, H. Ma, K. Mallik, M. Niehage, A. Remke, S. Schupp, F. Shmarov, S. Soudjani, A. Thorpe, V. Turcuman, and P. Zuliani, ARCH-COMP21 Category Report: Stochastic Models, 8th International Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH), EPiC Series in Computing, vol. 80, pp. 55-89, 2021.
[C17] A. Nejati, A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Data-Driven Estimation of Infinitesimal Generators of Stochastic Systems, 7th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS), vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 277-282, 2021.
[C16] A. Salamati*, A. Lavaei*, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Data-Driven Safety Verification of Stochastic Systems via Barrier Certificates, 7th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS), vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 7-12, 2021. (Best Repeatability Prize)
[C15] A. Lavaei, B. Zhong, M. Caccamo, and M. Zamani, Towards Trustworthy AI: Safe-visor Architecture for Uncertified Controllers in Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems, CPS-IoT Week workshop on Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems, 2021.
[C14] A. Lavaei, A. Nejati, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Estimating Infinitesimal Generators of Stochastic Systems with Formal Error Bounds: A Data-Driven Approach, 24th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2021.
[C13] A. Lavaei, A. Nejati, P. Jagtap, and M. Zamani, Formal Safety Verification of Unknown Continuous-Time Systems: A Data-Driven Approach, 24th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2021.
[C12] A. Abate, H. Blom, N. Cauchi, J. Delicaris, A. Hartmanns, M. Khaled, A. Lavaei, C. Pilch, A. Remke, S. Schupp, F. Shmarov, S. Soudjani, A. P. Vinod, B. Wooding, M. Zamani, and P. Zuliani, ARCH-COMP20 Category Report: Stochastic Models, 7th International Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH), EPiC Series in Computing, vol. 74, pp. 76-106, 2020.
[C11] M. Anand*, A. Lavaei*, and M. Zamani, Compositional Construction of Control Barrier Certificates for Large-Scale Interconnected Stochastic Systems, 21st IFAC World Congress, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 1862-1867, 2020.
[C10] A. Lavaei*, M. Khaled*, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, AMYTISS: A Parallelized Tool on Automated Controller Synthesis for Large-Scale Stochastic Systems, 23rd ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2020. (Best Demo/Poster Award)
[C9] A. Lavaei, F. Somenzi, S. Soudjani, A. Trivedi, and M. Zamani, Formal Controller Synthesis for Continuous-Space MDPs via Model-Free Reinforcement Learning, 11th ACM/IEEE Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), pp. 98-107, 2020. (acceptance rate: 23%)
[C8] A. Lavaei, and M. Zamani, Compositional Verification of Large-Scale Stochastic Systems via Relaxed Small-Gain Conditions, 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 2574-2579, 2019.
[C7] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Compositional Synthesis of not Necessarily Stabilizable Stochastic Systems via Finite Abstractions, 18th European Control Conference (ECC), pp. 2802–2807, 2019.
[C6] A. Lavaei, and M. Zamani, Compositional Construction of Finite MDPs for Large-Scale Stochastic Switched Systems: A Dissipativity Approach, 15th IFAC Symposium on Large-Scale Complex Systems: Theory and Applications (LSS), vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 31-36, 2019. (IFAC Young Author Award Finalist)
[C5] A. Lavaei, and M. Zamani, Compositional Finite Abstractions for Large-Scale Stochastic Switched Systems, 5th International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Methods for Reasoning about CPS and IoT (SNR) in conjunction with Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week (CPS-IoT Week), 2019.
[C4] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Compositional Synthesis of Finite Abstractions for Continuous-Space Stochastic Control Systems: A Small-Gain Approach, 6th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS), vol. 51, no. 16, pp. 265-270, 2018.
[C3] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, Compositional Synthesis of Interconnected Stochastic Control Systems based on Finite MDPs, 21st ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2018.
[C2] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, and M. Zamani, From Dissipativity Theory to Compositional Construction of Finite Markov Decision Processes, 21st ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), pp. 21-30, 2018.
[C1] A. Lavaei, S. Soudjani, R. Majumdar, and M. Zamani, Compositional Abstractions of Interconnected Discrete-Time Stochastic Control Systems, 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 3551-3556, 2017.
[Ph.D.] A. Lavaei, Automated Verification and Control of Large-Scale Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems: Compositional Techniques, Ph.D. Dissertation, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany, October 2019.
[M.Sc.] A. Lavaei, 3D Constrained Optimal Motion Planning and Robust Tracking Control for a 6DoF Quadcopter, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Tehran (UT), Iran, September 2014.